Cliché Verre 1 |
8 x 10 inch, 1:15 min:sec exposure time, 17 A & 17 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Used Pilot Gel Pen ink and sponge to smudge on transparent paper.
Cliché Verre 2 |
8 x 10 inch, 1:30 min:sec exposure time, 18 A & 18 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Used Sharpie and Pilot Gel ink on transparent paper. Used hand to create fingerprint smudges.
Cliché Verre 3 |
8 x 10 inch, 6-7 min exposure time, 17 A & 17 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Still life drawing using Pilot gel ink for out lines and smudges and semi clear blue nail polish as a filler on transparent paper.
Fourth of July Fireworks |
5 x 7 inch, 3-4 min exposure time, 8 A & 8 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Taken on Nikkon DSLR camera.
Moon Lit Ocean |
5 x 7 inch, 4 min exposure time, 8 A & 8 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Taken on Nikkon DSLR camera.
Ocean Texture |
5 x 7 inch, 3 min exposure time, 9 A & 9 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Taken on Samsung Galaxy S5 phone camera.
Moving Lights |
5 x 7 inch, 4:30 min:sec exposure time, 8 A & 8 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Taken on Samsung Galaxy S5 phone camera.
Robins Nest |
5 x 7 inch, 4:30 min:sec exposure time, 8 A & 8 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Taken on Samsung Galaxy S5 phone camera.
Scanner As Camera Rose Circle |
5 x 7 inch, 3 min exposure time, 8 A & 8 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Canson Montval Aquarelle Watercolor Paper. Used canon scanner.
Under The Flower Vase |
5.5 x 7.5 inch, 3 min exposure time, 8 A & 8 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Lana Aqurealle Paper. Taken on Samsung Galaxy S5 phone camera.
Scanner as Camera Mask |
8 x 10 inch, 2:45 min:sec exposure time, 20 A & 20 B solution droplets. Spread with Glass Rod. Lana Aquarelle Paper.
There were a few things that made this project a struggle for me, mainly technical issues with exposure times and one of my Cliché Verre negtives not being dark enough. Overall I felt as though it was a good learning experience with Cyanotypes as the concept and process of making them is very straight forward, but creating them is much tougher as you don't always know if something is going to go wrong.
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